There's you, there's me, and there's the space between us.
~ Declan Donnellan

Upcoming Performance
Relative Differences
an evening of short plays about family and its complications
Tuesday, July 25th at 7 pm
at the SAJ – Judaism that Stands for All
15 W. 86th Street, NYC
$20 suggested donation
co-sponsored by
the ensemble: Alexander Chilton, Patricia Fischer Donohue,
Jonah Mendelsohn, and Milbelynn Soto
texts by Margaret Atwood, Kahlil Gibran, Beth-Ann Fennelly,
Emma Goldman-Sherman, Nancy Ludmerer*, John Mabey,
Sharon Olds, Danielle Savin, Michael Towers
* members of the SAJ

The Program
Given: A Way by Michael Towers
"Whether you knew it or not, you taught me how to be strong."
A bride prepares to walk down the aisle, when she receives a surprise visit from her father, desperately seeking to reclaim something he gave away a long time ago.
First Night by Nancy Ludmerer
"'Weren't there any witnesses,' I'd asked, the first time Joyce told me the story. 'No one who believed me,' she said."
A couple remembers the disastrous first night of their honeymoon.
Dream Talk by Emma Goldman-Sherman
"No matter who your real parents are or were or what they said to you about your hair or your nose or who you love, we love you."
Two parents offer the ideal pep talk to their children, as imagined by a playwright (whose childhood was anything but ideal).
Remembered by John Mabey
"When leaving one's home, the only important question is how: voluntarily or not. I intend to be the former."
Walls are diaries and rooms have desires. In the buying and selling of a house, two people discover what's truly at stake and the power of finding love through loss.